1.“ It’s chess ...”.

Rules of playing classical chess as codified by the international organization of classical chess shall be applied for Tactical Team Chess (TTC) games adequate to the specific rules, regulations, features and requirements of Tactical Team Chess.

In case of conflict the specific rule of TTC shall have precedence.

2.“... played by two teams.”

Tactical Team Chess games are played by two teams, one controlling the white pieces, the other the black pieces with each team having at least two players.

Each player must control at least one piece at the time of starting the game.

No pieces are allowed to be controlled by two or more players except when Royal Powers are exercised.

Control over any chess piece may not be transferred to any other player at any time for any reason except when Royal Powers are exercised.


Players may not communicate during the game other than through valid moves on the chess board.

Conventions are allowed as long as constructed exclusively of valid moves of chess.

4.Royal powers [DO21*]


Twice during a game the King has the option to designate a specific piece controlled by one of the Kings teammates to make the next move.

The controller of that piece must make a legal move. If the piece can NOT make a legal move, then any other legal move may be made by any member of that team, but the King loses his remaining Royal Powers to designate.

Designation should be expressed by the King before any teammate expresses his attention to move.


Once during a game the King has the option to make a move with any of the pieces his team controls.

Order should be expressed by the King before any teammate expresses his intention to move.

*DO stands for Designations and Order.


The controller of the pawn reaching the furthest rank from its starting position remains the controller of the promoted piece.

[WTTCF BoD .... /2012]